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a community interest company run by local people, facilitating activity in Bradninch and Hele.

A directory of the local groups and activities on offer in Bradninch. Follow the links below for more information! 

Acoustic Club 

Monthly performances of live acoustic music and song at West End Hall - advertised regularly on the ‘Bradninch Events’ Facebook group. 

Contact Mike Leonard for further info.

Beautiful Feet

Weekly Tuesday morning group (10-11.30) for babies, toddlers, pre-schoolers and their parents and carers, hosted by Bradninch Baptist Church.  Drinks and snacks provided; and baby self-weigh available.  

Bumps, Babies and Beyond

Weekly Tuesday morning group (10-11.30) for babies, toddlers, pre-schoolers and their parents and carers, hosted by Bradninch Baptist Church.  Drinks and snacks provided; and baby self-weigh available.  

Saturday Coffee Mornings

Weekly fundraising coffee mornings (10-12ish) at Bradninch Guildhall, hosted by a different local organisation each week.  Hot drinks, cake and raffle, proceeds to the host organisation.

Knit & Natter

Monthly informal craft group (third Tuesday afternoon, 2-4)) hosted by St Disen’s Church in St Disen’s Hall.  Crack on with your knitting or latest craft project over hot drinks and conversation – or just pop in for a cuppa!

Community Café

Weekly Thursday café (9.30-2) hosted by Bradninch Baptist Church.  Home-cooked breakfasts, lunches, drinks and cake available, with weekly specials.  Play corner for children. 

First Monday Club

Social club open to all at the Guildhall: first Monday of the month, 2-4pm

Folk Club

Vibrant local folk club, with ‘in the round’ Club Nights on the first Tuesday of the month (8-10.15) and Guest Nights on the third Tuesday of the month.  Drop into Club Nights to perform or just listen and exchange comments and ideas (donations appreciated); or come along to Guest Nights for live performance from a main act and support spots (£7; accompanied under-18s free). 

Messy Church

Monthly event (fourth Wednesday at 3.30pm) hosted by St Disen’s Church and Bradninch Baptist Church in the Baptist Church.  Two hours of hands-on messy fun, songs, games and craft, aimed at primary school-aged children and their families, finishing with a two-course meal

Move it or Lose it

Fun and friendly exercise classes to improve balance and confidence, mobility and flexibility, strength and independence. The classes are aimed at the over 60s and take place on Tuesdays 11-12 in West End Hall. 


First class is free then it is £6 pay as you go or £10 for two consecutive weeks. 

Please contact Sue to book a place on 07939 717212 or email 

Newspaper & Coffee Lounge

Winter Project initiative taking place every Monday (10.30-1.30) in West End Hall.  Bring your newspaper, book, magazine or puzzle and settle down in a warm space with free hot drinks and biscuits. All welcome!

Sustainable Book Club

Bring along a book (or two! Or more!) that you are willing to lend to someone else. The book can be fiction of any genre OR non-fiction. Participants then 'pitch’ the book you have brought along, or describe it to everyone else. Everyone then chooses someone else’s book to take home. Meet next month and bring the same book back if you have finished it, or bring along a new one to swap!


The next meeting will be at 8:30pm on Tuesday the 15th November at The Castle. 

Meetings will be kept short and casual, but you are always welcome to stay on at the pub for another drink and a chat as you wish. We hope to stimulate our brains with new ideas and new books to read, and warm our souls with some conversation as the winter nights draw in, so if any of this appeals, whatever kind of books you are into, please pop along, or contact to find out more!

Sustainable Bradninch

Green community group running regular events to help make Bradninch a better place to live in the future. 

Warm Welcome

New initiative hosted by St Disen’s Church in St Disen’s Hall with support from the Winter Project.  Every Wednesday, 9-3 in St Disen’s Hall.  Warm and comfortable space to meet others or just chill out with free hot drinks, homemade cake and soup available.  Books, magazines, WiFi and children’s toys.


Group for the women of Bradninch, meeting on the first Thursday of the month, 7.30-9 at the Guildhall.  Different theme and speaker each month: come to meet people and learn something new! 

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