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Links and Local Information


Children’s Safeguarding MASH

For urgent referrals use the number below. For non urgent referrals Devon MASH require you to fill out an online form which can be found here.

Phone: 0345 155 1071

Devon MASH Homepage

Support for extremely vulnerable people (shielding) - Devon County Council

This support includes free food parcels for people within this group.

Visit the Bradninch Together Facebook page 


Adult Safeguarding Care Direct

In an emergency always call 999

If you think that you, or someone you know, is being abused or neglected you can raise a safeguarding concern by calling Care Direct on 0345 1551 007 or emailing



Devon County Council's regular updates and information on COVID 19.

Community Support across Mid Devon

Up to date  List of  community support groups.


Bradninch Spar and Post Office: 881 212. If self-isolating or in a vulnerable group, shopping can be ordered and paid for over the phone and delivered to your door by a volunteer.


Sainsbury's: we also have an arrangement with Sainsbury’s Pinhoe to shop on behalf of Bradninch residents.


NHS 111: If you are able, use the online service in the first instance - 111.nhs. uk/covid-19; only call 111 if symptoms worsen or you are unable to get help online.


Domestic abuse find a safe space with the #you are not alone symbol  or phone 999.


College Surgery, Bradninch: 881 952


College Surgery, Cullompton: 01884 831 300


Bramblehaies Surgery, Cullompton: 01884 33536


Wyndham House Surgery, Silverton: 860 034


Bradninch Baptist Church (Rev’d Fiona Lee): 881 355


St. Disen’s Church (Rev’d Olly Mears): 881 733


Bradninch Gospel Hall: 01884 32398 


Childline (online support and listening service for children feeling worried

or distressed): / 0800 1111 


The Silver Line (confidential helpline for older people: information,

friendship and advice): 0800 4 70 80 90


Samaritans (listening service for anyone feeling concerned or

distressed): 116 123


ChatHealth School nurses and health visitors are on hand with advice and support via a free and confidential text chat service called ChatHealth for 11-19 year olds and parents/carers who have concerns about a child in their care or family health worries. .

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